

  • “Every child is unique” We shall tap the potential in each child, Scholastic & Co Scholastic, to bring out the ‘hero’ in the child. Each child will be motivated & inspired to dream big & carve a niche for himself/herself.
  • Delhi World Foundation is backed by experienced Education & amp; Resource Council Members who shall ensure Quality – by academic Audits & Continuous Teacher training Programmes & Regular Monitoring & Support.
  • Activity based on joyful & stress-free learning.
  • Focus on development of motor skills
  • Learning by doing
  • Sports is an integral part & shall be given due impetus.
  • Emphasis on Learning from the Environment — Green environment / Botanical garden / Solar Energy / Open Laboratory/SciencePark etc
  • Motivation and guidance towards scientific research
  • Blend of Indian values & World Culture.
  • Focus on Child’s sense of inquisitiveness , exploration, urge for experimentation observation & synthesis
  • Child Gymnasium.